1. What did you mean ‘sparrow’, if I see it`s a hummingbird?

For better navigation, through the catalogue, I added some tags to each work, but I didn`t want to make too many of them, so some of my tags might puzzle you. Here you can find a description:
YEAR-a5, YEAR-a3The work has been published in the calendar for this year, format A5 or A3, accordingly
3strokes4abirdMinimum strokes of a brush, maximum expression of a bird
clubfootBears, pandas and other weasels
birdofpreyEagles, hawks and other peregrines
boatBoats and sails
branchBark, branches, twigs and driftwood
catTigers, lions and other cats
colourColourful paintings
craneCranes, herons and other long-legged birds
crowRavens, crows, magpies and other jays
dogDogs, wolfs and foxes
duckDucks, geese, swans, cormorants, grebes and other water birds
faunawithout wings though
feathersWhen 3 strokes are not enough
insectButterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, mantises and other bees
lakeStill water, even шефы a river
macroThe beauty of the only flower
makeiteasyMinimum strokes but not for a bird
humanInhabited lands
rodentMice, bats, hogs, squirrels, chipmunks, and other rabbits
reptileDragons, lizards, frogs and snakes
roofRoofs, houses, lighthouses and homes
siblingsI love to hate you!
southbirdParrots, parakeets and other birds of paradise
sparrowSparrows, tits, wrens, swifts, swallows and other small birds
splashSplashes, blots and dots
videoThere is a video of painting this
woodbirdWoodpeckers, hoopoes, quails and so on

2. What kind of paper do you use?

3. What is an ink stick?

4. What is difference between Chinese and western watercolours?

PS Sorry for any possible inconveniences and incompleteness but the site is still under constructions. Any ideas and suggestions would be welcome. And you might ask any question by social media or by mail.