
It’s really great, that now we have the Internet and all this stuff. It makes things so much easier. I know, I can recall times without it [feeling ancient]. It’s difficult even to imagine how we’d survive without all its opportunities, that it has given us, especially now. And here I’m speaking not only ‘meal’ but ‘real’ as well.

Recently I have participated in one of these entertainments. Online exhibition #soul_ink2020 in Instagram and three of my works are represented there:

One of the conditions to participate in this event was to give an answer to the question: ‘Why do you paint?’.
Well, it`s simple and quite complicated at the same time. Because, one day I realized that I can do it. Can take a brush, put it into the ink and those strokes, dots, and blots on the blank empty paper … will have wings.

Also there is an online catalogue of this exhibition.